Friday, November 7, 2008

Food focus

Why is it that everything I do revolves around food?

I had a conference with Daniel's preschool teacher this morning. My friend, Tina, had her conference scheduled right after mine, so we went out to breakfast.

My friend Jessica and I decided to meet at the park with the kids this afternoon. What did we decide to do first -- McDonald's drive-thru.

When I'm happy I celebrate by eating. When I'm depressed I forget my troubles with food. When I'm tired I don't nap -- I go to Dunkin' Donuts for a coffee (and a donut sure can pick me up). Eric and I once had a weight loss bet -- who could lose the most weight in a month. What was the reward? -- winner picks the restaurant for a dinner out! (I don't think either one of us lost any weight, so a winner could not be determined)

And just to show you how severe my food focus is, when I am going out to dinner, I look online for a restaurant menu so I can decide what I'm having and look forward to it all day. Pretty pathetic, huh? I will also eat less during the day so I can eat more at dinner.

It's no wonder I am overweight!

Back to the gym on Monday -- and this time I won't use it as a way to rationalize eating more!

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