Thursday, April 15, 2010

He's very observant...and he's gonna embarrass me someday

I went to drop off a tax return to a friend the other day and took Daniel with me. He wanted to come to the door and as soon as I stepped in, he B-lined to the basement to play with a few of Ryan's toys (Ryan is in Kindergarten, so was not at home -- so Daniel probably wanted to have a little time with a much coveted and highly guarded special toy of his).

When it was time to go and we got into the car, Daniel immediately announced "She has got to clean that house!".

Yikes! Thank God the car door was closed and we were driving away from the house!

Me: "What?"

Daniel: "Mrs. Walker needs to vacuum her carpets...or get some Oxyclean or something!"

Me: "Oxyclean?"

Daniel: "Yeah, I saw a commercial for it. It takes stains out of carpet and stuff." She needs to get some."

OK, so two comments:
1. Daniel hardly lives in a sterile environment. On most days, my mother would say my house is downright dirty. I like to call it messy -- or better yet "lived in." But my point is, I find it interesting that Daniel even noticed. I also find it comforting to visit houses that are in worse condition than mine. You know...everything is relative.

2. The kid needs a filter!!! One of these days he is not going to wait until we are away from the house and totally humiliate me! Not sure how to handle this, except to keep my fingers crossed and some duct tape in my purse.