Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cold chicken nuggets?

Last night the boys had chicken nuggets for dinner. I know, not quite a gourmet meal, but Brooke had Music, Arts & Drama at 5:30 (which includes dinner) and Kevin and Mark had karate from 6-8:15, so no time for gourmet. Anyway, we usually eat pretty late -- at least 6:30, so when I put dinner in front of them at 5:15 they often aren't that hungry. Mark ate most of his meal. Kevin barely touched it.

Fast forward to 8:30 when the boys arrive home from karate.

Kevin: I'm hungry.

Mom: Your left over chicken nuggets are in the fridge. You can eat them.

Mark: Can I have some?

Mom: Those are Kevin's, but if you are that hungry I will make you some more.

Mark: (in a sulky voice, obviously put out) But they won't be cold.

Damn if I know what the appeal is of cold chicken nuggets, but there obviously is some because Mark sulked right up until he went to bed at 9:15. He never had anything to eat because of the constant sulk. Too bad, right?

Fast forward again to this morning. Mark woke up STILL sulking about the chicken nugget thing! (The boy can hold onto his anger, can't he?)

Mom: Are you still sulking about the chicken nuggets?

Mark: (nods)

Mom: Fine, then I will make you some for breakfast (gag!)

Mark: But they won't be cold.

Mom: (exasperated) OK, I will cook them now and you can let them sit out for 15 minutes and eat them cold.

Mark: (perky, and happy -- all is good in the world) OK!

So, what is it about cold chicken nuggets? I think my kids are just weird. And one of them is downstairs right now having cold chicken nuggets for breakfast! YUCK!

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