Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Was I mad at her...or at myself??

Either way, I was temporarily insane!

We had an exchange student from Barcelona, Spain stay with us for two weeks in April. Yes, April. April 2-16 to be exact. The end of tax season when everything is a crisis and has a deadline of yesterday. (I point this out in order to defend my insanity). Anyway, the day that Anna left we took some pictures. Some were timer shots of all six of us with Anna that were taken with Brooke's camera.

For two weeks I told Brooke to upload them to Facebook and share them with me and with Anna. These were the only pictures taken that had all of us. As usual, I got "I know, Mom." "I will, Mom." "I'll do it, Mom." -- all with attitude and sometime including eye rolling.

Fast forward to the Sunday before Brooke leaves for Disney World with her high school band. I said, "You need to upload those pictures BEFORE you leave for Disney." Her response was a predictable "I will, Mom."

So, Wednesday morning I drove her to the high school with her luggage at 6am. The buses were leaving at 11, but they needed to get their luggage to school early so that it could be checked. At about 7am it occured to me that I did not see those pictures post to my Facebook wall so I texted her to ask her if she had uploaded them. The answer was predictably "No."

I lost it. I texted her back that I would meet her in the parking lot when she was boarding the bus and that I would take her memory card and give her a blank one to bring to Disney. Well, this started World War III. She wanted no part of me coming up to the school and of being seen walking over to my car in front of her friends. The arguments started: I won't lose it, I'll be careful, I'll do it as soon as I get home, I will leave the card in my suitcase, Nothing will happen...

In reality, the chance of her camera getting lost or stolen or falling in the water and the pictures being lost forever was admittedly slim. But, dammit, I knew that if any of those things happened I was going to beat her senseless! And it was more than just the memory card. Wrapped up in this argument were all the things that had been annoying me about her...she didn't do what I asked, she didn't do what she said she would do, and, most importantly, she was so wrapped up in herself and what mattered to her that she did not understand that these pictures were important to more people than just her and she had a responsibility for safeguarding them.

In addition, I think I was completely annoyed with myself. The night before she asked me to take her to Target to get coloring books of all things, AND I DID IT!!!!! I didn't ask, "Did you do what I asked you to do?" Nope. I just took my 16 year old to buy Princess coloring books and a 64 pack of crayons (which she said she had NEVER had a 64 pack of crayons -- poor deprived child that she was). Because, like any mom, I want her to be happy and have her every hearts desire. GAG!!!!

But now! Now I was pissed! So, I drove up to the high school, parked in the parking lot with the coach buses, and sent her a text that said "Stop arguing with me. I am already here. Bring me the memory card!". I think I even said that I would follow the buses onto Route 287 before I would let her take that memory card to Florida. She finally surrendered and brought me the memory card. With a chill in the air, we swapped and she was on her way.

I texted a friend (also a parent of a teen girl) "The eagle has landed. I have the memory card. A small victory for our team!" And she responded, "Go team!!!".

It's these small battles in the world of parenting that seem so important at the time and are really so minor. But in reality, if we don't win the small ones, we don't have a prayer when it comes to the big ones.

1 comment:

Beth said...

O M G - the tears are streamin down my face! CLASSIC!