Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Pay no attention to the anti-itch cream on the floor"

We are just back from a weekend camping trip with the Ruoff clan and everyone is riddled with bug bites.  Kevin came in to ask me if we have any hydocortizone and I directed him to the drawer in the bathroom.

He obviously found it because I just walked into the family room and as I passed him sitting on the stairs he says, "Pay no attention to the anti-itch cream on the floor."  Took me a second or two to double back, but, sure enough, there is a big glob of hydrocortizone on the floor. Ugh!

See, babies and young children are easier...if Daniel had a bug bite (or 15 as the case may be with Kevin), I would be putting on the anti-itch cream and it would NOT be on the floor.


Ruth said...

and why didnt he clean up the glob on the floor?

Sandra said...

Oh, don't worry, Ruth...he did!