Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another pearl

Typing yesterday's post reminded me of another interesting question that Daniel posed about a year ago.

We were driving to the dentist for his check up and he was asking about what they were going to do, etc. and we were talking about teeth and how, when he gets big like Brooke, Kevin & Mark, he will lose his baby teeth and get big teeth.

His next question was: "Do I have baby eyes?"

I had to laugh out loud at that one. The thought of his small eyes falling out and his growing new bigger eyes probably had him pretty freaked out.

I explained to him that, no, our eyes just grow with us like the rest of our body and that, besides teeth, nothing falls out or off. Phew!!

But a super interesting question when you think about it. Why do our teeth fall out and not grow like everything else? Hmmmm.

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