Friday, January 6, 2012

Flash mob

WSB Flash Mob

Above is the link to the YouTube video of flash mob that I participated in with the accounting firm where I work. 

When they first sent out the e-mail regarding this I thought it sounded fun. Then, upon further reflection, I thought that there was serious potential for me to make an ass of myself. I was torn. Should I or shouldn't I? So, I asked the kids. They thought it was cool and convinced me to go ahead and do it. I'm not sure if they really thought it would be cool or if they just wanted to have an opportunity to laugh at me, but whatever.

So, on December 3rd I took a train with a number of my co-workers into NYC and did the flash mob. I had been practicing all week at home in my family room (to the laughs of Eric & the kids) and I was excited. And it was soooo much fun! What a great opportunity to be a part of something like that.

I am convinced, however, that at least Brooke, while convincing me to participate, was somewhat motivated by the prospect of being able to laugh at me. She spent much time last night texting her friends and telling them to watch it. I guess I should be pleased that she actually was amused and not embarrassed. She wanted her friends to see it. Hmmm. Maybe I am a little cool.

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