Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last day of school

Well, today is the last day of school here.  Brooke is now officially a junior in high school (YIKES...gotta start thinking about college), Kevin a freshman (OMG!), Mark a 6th grader (moving to middle school -- another OMG!) and Daniel is a 1st grader (never, ever again, will I have a Kindergartener...sniff, sniff, tear). 

I always feel strangely sentimental at the end of school.  On the one hand, I am glad to see school end and summer begin.  I always start out the summer kind of enjoying having the kids home.  I enjoy summer activities...the pool with friends, vacations, baseball games, playdates, etc.  On the other hand, I am saddened by the passage of time.  More than even birthdays, I really feel the passage of time with the last day of school.  Maybe because birthdays come one at a time.  On the last day of school they all "grow  up" together.

So, I am happy for the kids and proud of their wonderful accomplishments.  And I am sad for me...that my babies are growing up.

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