Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well, I blew it! I signed up to attend "Books Over Breakfast" at Mark's school (sponsored by the PTO, for which I am the Treasurer) and forgot! The event was this morning from 7:45-8:30 -- the PTO provides breakfast and the kids and their parents (who remembered to come) sit and read books together.

I wrote it on the calendar -- both calendars. I was reminded yesterday while speaking with my friend, Jessica. But, I got up this morning and was enjoying the peace and quiet that happens briefly after Kevin and then Eric and Brooke leave for school/work and before Mark and Daniel get up and then it hit me. Oh crap! Today is Books Over Breakfast! So, I tip-toed into Mark's room and said, in my sweetest Mom whisper: "Mark, how badly did you want to go to Books Over Breakfast?". And he said, groggily: "Not that bad." Phew! Dodged that bullet!

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